
Publikationen (peer reviewed journals)
Branoner F, Straka H (2018). Semicircular canal influences on the developmental tuning of the translational vestibulo-ocular reflex. Journal of Neuronal Circuits. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00404. 

Soupiadis P, Branoner F, Straka H (2018). Pharmacological profile of vestibular inhibitory inputs to superior oblique motoneurons. Journal of Neurology doi: 10.1007/s00415-018-8829-4

Popp T, Lülling R, Boekoff I, Seeger T, Branoner F, Gudermann T, Thiermann H, Worek F, Steinritz D (2018). Immediate response of the cockroach Blaptica dubia after the exposure to sulfur mustard. Archives of Toxicology 92:337-346

Branoner F, Chagnaud BP, Straka H (2016). Ontogenetic development of vestibular reflexes in amphibians. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. DOI: 10.3389/fncir.2016.00091

Gensberger KD, Kaufmann A, Dietrich H, Branoner F, Banchi R, Chagnaud BP, Straka H (2016). Galvanic vestibular stimulation: cellular substrates and response patterns of neurons in the vestibulo-ocular network. Journal of Neuroscience 36:9097-9110

Branoner F, Straka H (2015) Semicircular canal-dependent developmental tuning of translational vestibulo-ocular reflexes in Xenopus laevis. Developmental Neurobiology 2015 75:1051-67.

Ramlochansingh C, Branoner F, Chagnaud B.P, Straka H. (2014) Efficacy of tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222) as an anesthetic agent for blocking sensory-motor responses in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. Plos one 9 (7):e101606

Branoner F, Zhivkov Z, Ziehm U, Behrend O. (2012) Central representation of spatial and temporal surface wave parameters in the African clawed frog. Journal of Comparative Physiology. A, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioural Physiology 198: 797-815.

Behrend O, Branoner F, Ziehm U (2008) Lateral line units in the amphibian brain could integrate wave curvatures. Journal of Comparative Physiology. A, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioural Physiology, 194, 8, 777–783.

Behrend O, Branoner F, Zhivov Z, Ziehm U (2006) Neural responses to water surface waves in the midbrain of the aquatic predator Xenopus laevis. European Journal of Neuroscience 23: 729-744

Poster (Auswahl) 
Branoner F, Straka H (2016) Galvanic Vestibular Stimulus-Induced Maturation of Vestibulo-Ocular Reflexes in Xenopus laevis 10th Forum of European Neuroscience Abstracts D002

Gravot CM, Branoner F, Straka H (2016) Differential Impact of Gentamicin on Semicircular Canal and Otolith-Driven Vestibulo-Ocular Reflexes in Xenopus laevis tadpoles 10th Forum of European Neuroscience Abstracts D004

Branoner F, Straka H (2013) Ontogenetic plasticity of linear vestibulo-ocular reflexes in Xenopus laevis. 10th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, T17-4C

Branoner F, Zhivkov Z, Ziehm U, Behrend O (2011) Spatial responses of lateral line units in the midbrain of  Xenopus laevis depend on the frequency of incoming surface waves. 9th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, T17-10B

Zhivkov Z, Branoner F, Ziehm U, Schuldt C, Behrend O (2009) Neurophysiology and neuroanatomy of the lateral line system in Xenopus laevis. Proceedings of the 8th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, T17-11C

Branoner F, Ziehm U, Zhivkov Z, Schuldt C & Behrend O (2008) Central lateral line responses to concentric water surface waves propagating over 3 test distances – effects of deviating wave curvatures. 6th Forum of European Neuroscience Abstracts

Branoner F, Ziehm U & Behrend O (2007) Lateral line responses to distant objects on the water surface integrate the wave front curvature and amplitude. 7th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, 144, 201

Ziehm U, Branoner F, Zhivkov Z & Behrend O (2006) Neural representation of surface wave parameters in the aquatic predator Xenopus laevis. Abstracts of the Berlin Neuroscience Forum, 74, 114

Behrend O, Branoner F, Zhivkov Z & Ziehm U (2006) Central processing of water surface waves in the aquatic predator Xenopus laevis laevis. 5th Forum of European Neuroscience Abstracts, 444, 180

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